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Why Dynamic Mattresses Alone Don’t Adequately Address Pressure Injury Protocols
Dynamic mattresses are the widely accepted solution to prevent pressure injuries, claiming to help relieve patients by distributing pressures over larger areas. Although they have been widely praised as the preferred option to prevent pressure injuries, the…
Jul 11, 2022
The Increasing Burden of Pressure Injuries: The Need for a Data-driven Solution
Pressure injury continues to be a widely significant and growing health concern with a...
new blog for documentation
Pressure injuries can affect everyone, especially seniors who are particularly vulnerable as ageing also makes our skin thinner and more fragile. Per every 100 aged…
Lenexa Medical Supports the Australian Government’s $18.8 Billion Aged Care Reform
Lenexa Medical welcomes the Federal Government’s decision to reform an under-resourced aged care sector, delivering senior Australians the care they deserve. The…
Pressure Injury Prevention in Aged Care
Pressure injuries can affect everyone, especially seniors who are particularly vulnerable as ageing also makes our skin thinner and more fragile. Per every 100 aged…
Why Dynamic Mattresses Alone Don’t Adequately Address Pressure Injury Protocols
Dynamic mattresses are the widely accepted solution to prevent pressure injuries, claiming to help relieve patients by distributing pressures over larger areas.…
How LenexaCARE® Compares to Current Pressure Injury Prevention Standards
Pressure injuries affect millions of people worldwide, extending the length of hospitalisations, causing severe pain, discomfort, as well as financial burden on…